Who Plays Video Games

February 20, 2009

A recent survey was taken of 91 students to identify how often they play video games. The survey contained categories for example time, gender, age, work hours and basic computer skills information. Of the those surveyed 36.9% (below in red) of the overall 91 students had played video games within the week prior . students

The time used playing video games varies widely between students who play video games and the hours they play. Most students do not play games at all where as the few who play may have excessive hours(chart below).


The interval estimate for provided data (below) shows that the average amount of time playing video games vary in a manner in which the data cannot be used to accurately represent the population. The actual mean and the calculated have a large difference rendering the derived data ambiguous .

In[2]:= <<HypothesisTesting`

Out[17]= 3.0027

In[17]:= Mean[Time]

Out[18]= 5.50103


Out[20]= {1.16857,4.83684}

Below is the number of students expecting to achieve an A in their classes and their associated game play in relation to grading. Showing that of students who play video games those who restrict their game play to around three hours or less weekly have a better chance of still attaining an A.


Below is the Number of students who work and do not work for pay (chart below).The number of students who play games and work for pay is about even.



There are a greater number of woman that do not like to play video games as a group.


The largest group of people who play games are home computer users.


Most people regard Video games as non-educational.


The largest group of people who played video games are those that were busy.


Games Played by Type


worked with – Jeff Richards –